Filtration Technology for Paint Shops
During painting, not all of the paint gets onto the workpiece. The resulting paint mist can form deposits on the parts being painted and heavily pollute the paint booth. To permanently ensure a stable production process, the paint must be extracted.
The extremely high energy demand for conditioning the supply air in painting systems may not meet today's basic standards. With a regulated recirculation mode between overspray suction, filtration unit, and the spray booth, modern paint shops can be operated with a greatly reduced energy requirement.
Keller has many years of expertise in extracting paint and paint mist from paint shops in a highly efficient and fully automated manner. In a current project in China up to 320,000 car bodies are painted annually on two lines, using RECLAIM technology with 92 VARIO filters.
RECLAIM Dust Collection: Effective, Fully Automated Filtration Technology for Wet Painting Processes
RECLAIM is an energy-efficient fully automated system for the dust collection of paint mist. Due to its high efficiency, re-conditioned air can be recirculated easily back into the spray booth. Energy costs can be reduced in half compared to other systems operating with the use of exhaust air only.
RECLAIM was further refined and equipped with dosing storage for the continuous conveyance of limestone powder without interrupting the operation. The fluid rotor installed below the hopper permanently stirs up the precoating material to substantially reduce consumption.
Optimum Filtration Efficiency with an Emission Level of < 0.1 mg/m^3
The pleated design of the KLR-Filter® ensures a maximum filtration surface with very tight filter construction and high rigidity.
As a 'separating layer' between the filter surface and the adhesive material acts a thin PTFE membrane on the outside of the filter.
This ensures a reliable filter cleaning and a high filtration efficiency by means of the surface filtration.
Very high filter quality. Better than E12 according to DIN EN 1822.
Reduce Costs and Save the Environment
RECLAIM process technology offers many advantages compared to the customary wet separation technology:
- Heating costs lowered by up to 80%
- Power requirement reduced by 50%
- No chemicals are used
- No foam formation
- No sludge removal
- The saturated pre-coating material can be reused
- Compressed air connection sufficient
- Modular components provide flexible uses
- Supply air systems for VOC separation can be designed considerably smaller
Effective, fully automated filtration technology for wet painting processes
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Used Products
Dust Collector VARIO eco >>
Dust Collector PT-Filter >>
Capturing Devices >>
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Set and Guidelines
TA-Luft: Air pollution control - emission standards >>
DGUV-Regel 109-002 (formerly: BGR 121): Workplace ventilation >>
1999/92/EG (formerly: ATEX 137): Explosion Protection Directive for Operators >>
2014/34/EU (formerly: ATEX 114): Explosion Protection Directive for Manufacturers >>
EN 1127-1: Explosive environments >>
TRBS 727: Avoiding ignition hazards created by electrostatic charges >>
VDI 2263-6: Fire and explosion protection for dust extraction systems >>